Recruitment Chair Professor at RDW’s University, BBSR: Applications from women candidates are invited for the position of Maa Rama Devi Chair Professor at Rama Devi Women’s University, Bhubaneswar.
The applicant must be an academician scholar of outstanding record in the areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. Minimum 10 years of experience in conducting research, training and documentation on women centric issues to bring gender parity, justice and empowerment is desirable.
The applicant must be aged between 40-62 years.
The initial appointment will be for a period of three years, extendable up to five years, with a consolidated salary of INR 50,000/- per month.

The application must reach the office of the undersigned on or before 15/03/2023 (02.00 P. M.) by speed post /registered post/courier only.