The Office of the District Judge, Nayagarh, has released Advertisement No. 01 of 2023, inviting applications in the prescribed format from eligible candidates for various Group “C” vacant posts in the Judgeship of Nayagarh.
Vacancy Details
the following Group C vacant posts:
- Stenographer Grade-III (1 post)
- Junior Clerk-cum-Copyist (17 posts)
- Junior Typist (6 posts)
The posts are to be filled up on regular basis and the last date for submission of applications is August 14, 2023.
Eligibility criteria
- Indian citizenship
- At least +3 examination or equivalent qualification
- Diploma in Computer Application
- Age between 18 and 38 years (relaxations applicable for women and reserved categories)
- Ability to speak, read, and write Odia
- Good character
- Sound health
- Minimum speed of 80 words per minute in Shorthand and 40 words per minute in Typewriting through computer system for the post of Stenographer Grade-III
- Minimum speed of 40 words per minute in Typewriting through computer system for the post of Junior Typist
- No criminal antecedent
Application Fee
No fees is required to be filed by the candidates of all categories for this Recruitment Process.
How To Apply
The applications can be submitted in person or by post to the Office of the District Judge, Nayagarh, on or before August 14, 2023. For More Details Check the Official Notification.