Odisha Sub-ordinate Staff Selection Commission Announces Revised Vacancies for Junior Assistant and Panchayat Executive Officer Posts.
The Odisha Sub-Ordinate Staff Selection Commission (OSSSC) has issued an addendum to the previously published advertisement, inviting online applications for the Combined Recruitment Examination-2023 for the district cadre posts of Junior Assistant (JA) and Panchayat Executive Officer (PEO). The addendum, dated 5th April, 2023, revises the vacancies for the post of Junior Assistant and extends the last date of submission of online applications.
According to the addendum, the total number of vacancies for the post of Junior Assistant has been revised to 4942, which includes 4565 vacancies that were previously advertised, along with an additional 377 vacancies sanctioned by the Forest, Environment & Climate Change Department under various district establishments. The district-wise, department-wise, and category-wise breakup of vacancies for the post of Junior Assistant can be found on the notification.
The vacancies for the post of Panchayat Executive Officer remain unchanged at 2297, as previously published in the advertisement and are re-published in Annexure-II of the addendum.
All other terms and conditions mentioned in the detailed advertisement, available on the OSSSC web portal www.osssc.gov.in, remain unchanged. However, the last date for submission of online applications has been extended to 12th April, 2023. Applicants are advised to submit their applications well in advance to avoid any last-minute rush.
This addendum provides updated information to all concerned regarding the revised vacancies for the post of Junior Assistant and the unchanged vacancies for the post of Panchayat Executive Officer. Applicants are requested to review the revised vacancies and submit their online applications accordingly.

Thank you to odisha Job portal. I want to Job in government Job.